
Have you been looking for website design services and got to know that you can save money on your development cost by hiring a web coder or programmer in India?

Yes, it’s true that you can save more than 30% when you hire Indian website programmers instead of a local coder. However, you do need to precautionary measures before hiring an Indian coder so that you don’t end up wasting your money and time.

indian website designers & web developers

How can you choose the best coders and programmers in India?

Well, that’s the question that all business owners think when they think of hiring an Indian coder.

In this blog post, we have shared 8 things to check before hiring an Indian programmer or coder.

#1 Coding Experience

Coding experience is perhaps the first thing to check before you hire a web programmer in India. 

A web programmer who has coding experience of more than 3 years can help you to complete your website development much faster and professionally, as compared to the ones who have around one year of experience. 

#2 Website Development Portfolio

Before you hire a web programmer in India, make sure that you check his or her past works.

In order to avoid future disappointments & frustrations, you must check and ensure that the quality of your shortlisted coder matches your expectations.

For instance, if you want to hire a programmer to build your e-commerce website, do request him or her to send some of the recent e-commerce stores that they have developed for other customers.  

#3 Communication Skills

Is your web programmer able to communicate with you efficiently and promptly? If not, do give it a second thought before you hire him or her. 

Communication is very important and perhaps the key to the success of any website development project. 

Due to the lack of proper communication, 

  • Your project may be done in the wrong way.
  • It may take more time than expected to complete your project.
  • Your website might be full of errors and mistakes. 

#4 Testimonials

Since you can’t judge the support & service of your web programmers just on the basis of their past works, you must check with their existing or past customers too.

You must check with their past customers,

#5 Coding Technologies

Before you hire a website coder or programmer in India, you must check with them about the coding technologies/scripts/platforms that they will be using for your website development.

For instance, if you need a WordPress website, your programmer must know:

  • WordPress
  • PHP
  • CSS
  • JS
  • AJAX
  • HTML

Many web programmers use outdated technologies that may give you pain in long run. 

#6 Warranty & Support

Website development is not a one-time thing. You may need the support of your programmer even after launching your website too.

Most coders won’t entertain their customers after making their websites live. Or would charge an additional amount of money if they are asked to fix some bugs after the launch?

How to ensure warranty & support?

You must get a formal web design contract signed with your web programmer in order to avoid any future hassles. 

Recommended Post: 8 Essential Elements Of A Website Design Contract: Must Read Before You Hire A Web Developer

#7 Source Codes Handover

Before you engage a website coder or programmer, do make sure to check with them if they will supply you with the source codes after the completion of your website development. 

It’s important to take control of your source codes so that in the future if you wish to hire another website developer or programmer, you must have the original source code for them to make changes.

Recommended post: 5 Essential things to take handover of after your website completion  

#8 Signing a Contract

Do not hire any website programmer without signing a web development contract with him or her. A web design contract will always ensure that you will get your project done in a timely & professional manner.

Not sure about the website design contract? Here are 8 essential elements of a website design contract. 

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