
Hiring a web developer to build an e-commerce website is no more a challenging job. 

But the most crucial part of running an online business is to maintain the website. Especially, in the case of e-commerce stores, it’s imperative to maintain your website regularly.

If you don’t find time to take care of your website, you can also consider hiring website developers.

And if you think that you can’t afford a web developer to maintain your e-commerce website, here’s good new for you. You can hire a web designer in India at an affordable price for your website maintenance.

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website maintenance services in India

Why should you maintain your website?

Just like your health, car, and house, you do need to maintain your website too.

Here are but 8 major reasons for you to maintain your e-commerce website.

#1 Security

The first and foremost reason to maintain a website is its security. If an e-commerce website is left unmanaged and unmaintained, it may invite different kinds of security threats like malicious codes, viruses, etc. 

The e-commerce website that shows signs of unsafe browsing seldom wins the confidence of its visitors. Needless to mention, this kind of website doesn’t get much sales & customers as well.

Therefore, if you own an e-commerce website and do intend to get more sales out of it, you need to ensure that it’s secure, always. And regular maintenance is one of the best ways to secure a website

#2 Backups

No matter how secure your e-commerce store is, you still need to have at least a fully functional copy of your website, always with you. In the absence of website maintenance, you may forget to take regular backups of your online store. 

But when you hire website developers to maintain your e-commerce website, they would always ensure to have the latest backup with them. It’s because taking regular backups is a part of any web maintenance contract. 

#3 SEO

Search engines like Google love websites that have updated information. Without web maintenance, it’s not possible for the hungry spiders of search engines to find their food, which is updated content. 

Again, when you regularly update your website with new information in the form of blogs, articles, or news, your website has a higher chance to get ranked on noticeable positions of search engines

In simpler words, if you intend to get more traffic to your e-commerce store from the search engines, you must maintain your website.

#4 Fixing Broken Links

A broken link is a link that leads to nowhere. In other words, when you click a link on any website and it shows up an error “page not found”, it is considered as a broken link.

A broken link can affect your business in two ways:

  • It can affect the user experience on your website badly.
  • It can affect the search engine rankings of your website because search engines hate broken links. 

When you hire website designers to maintain your e-commerce website regularly, they would fix all of the broken links for you.

#5 Updated Information

A website that has updated information attracts not only prominent search engine rankings, but also wins the confidence of its users. 

When users find that a website has obsolete or outdated content, they tend to stay away from that website. 

For instance, if you happen to visit an e-commerce store where you see an offer that has already been expired, you may not trust that website and may decide to quit.

#6 Loading Speed

The loading speed of any e-commerce website may be affected due to:

  • Outdated plugins & modules.
  • Large size images that are not optimized
  • Useless files or images on the server

All of these items can be taken care of by your website designer when you hire him or her for your website maintenance. 

It’s worth noting here that slow-loading websites tend to lose a lot of potential sales. Don’t let this happen to you. 

Recommended Post: 7 Ways To Speed-Up The Loading Speed Of A WordPress Website

#7 New Features

Website development is not a one-time thing. Every now and then, you may need to change some of the existing features based on your users’ feedback or business requirements. 

Sometimes, you may also be required to add new features to your website. 

Whichever the case, when you have a website developer at your service, you can quickly assign him or her the changes that you need on your website. 

In the absence of a web maintenance contract, you may be required to hire a website developer who may charge you hundreds of dollars just to add a few features. 

Moreover, you may not be able to hire the same developer who did your website development previously because he may not be available this time to help you. 

But when you retain your web designer, you can always assign him or her with the new jobs.

#8 Downtime Assistance

It’s a very common issue with every website to face some downtime issue which could be because of the:

  • Server overload
  • Scripts overload
  • Database connectivity issues
  • Broken codes
  • Configuration files issue

In such a situation, the fixing may take less than an hour or a couple of hours, but it could take a lot of your time to find and hire a website developer. 

But when you already have a website designer or developer with you on a retainer basis, also known as website maintenance, you can get these minor yet crucial issues fixed within a few hours. 


Whether you run a small e-commerce website or a huge marketplace, you definitely need a website developer at your service, all the time. With website maintenance in place, you always have a helping hand to not only maintain your website but also to grow your business. 

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