
Are you looking for a web developer in India who can help you to build your e-commerce website using OpenCart?

Or do you need an OpenCart developer to redevelop your existing e-commerce store?

opencart ecommerce developers in India

This blog post will help you to hire an OpenCart developer in India. Here, we have shared 5 questions that you must ask before you hire an Indian OpenCart developer.

Let’s begin!  

#1 Can I see your OpenCart portfolio?

This is perhaps the first question that you must ask before you hire an Indian web developer: “Can you share your OpenCart websites portfolio?”.

Some website developers may try to convince you that since they have experience in PHP web development, they can also build OpenCart websites as well. Don’t believe in just words. 

You must ask your shortlisted web developer in India to share some of their OpenCart works. If they are unable to do so, you must not consider hiring them.


#2 How much experience do you have?

When it comes to creating an e-commerce website using OpenCart open-source, experience does matter.

An inexperienced website developer may charge you a lower price but you may end up with:

  • Unfinished work.
  • Delays in project completion.
  • A website that’s full of errors & bugs.

Therefore, you must always ensure that your shortlisted OpenCart developer in India must be experienced.

#3 How do you handle OpenCart security?

Generally speaking, most of the open-source platforms are not well-secured.

Since the architecture & framework of open source platforms are always the same and standard, it becomes easier for hackers to enter into the admin area of such websites and steal all the important information. 

The good news is that an experienced website developer knows how to handle the loopholes of open-source security. Therefore, you must ask your shortlisted website developer about the security measures that they will take in order to secure your OpenCart website.

#4 Do you customise OpenCart extensions?

Most website developers think that creating an e-commerce store using OpenCart is just to install & configure its extensions. That’s not true!

An OpenCart eCommerce website may have different features & functionalities that will require a lot of customizations which can be done by experienced website developers only. This is the reason we already mentioned that you must hire only experienced website builders

An experienced OpenCart developer knows how to customize its extensions in order to make them work as per the requirements of their clients. 

Therefore, before you hire an Indian OpenCart developer, do ask him or her if they know how to customize OpenCart extensions. 

#5 How much will be the web development cost?

It’s a well-known fact that hiring website developers in India can help to save your money, but you must also compare the web development quotations from different companies in India. 

For a small business or a startup, initial investment matters a lot. Therefore, it must be spent wisely on the services like web development. 

Before you shortlist any Indian website designer for building your e-commerce store, you must ensure to seek proposals from different web design companies in India and compare them thoroughly.

Recommended post: How much is the average web design cost in India

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