
Do you intend to have a mobile app for your business?

Or have you already hired an app developer who is already building your application?

Before you roll out your mobile app publicly and make it available to the world, you must ensure that your app has all the basic yet essential design elements to make it successful.

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In this blog post, we will be sharing 7 tips for your mobile app developer to design the UIs of your app.

#1 Keep It Simple

For any software or product to be successful, the most important ingredient is its simplicity. The same is the case with mobile apps too.

When you hire a mobile app developer, you must ensure that he creates the UI designs of your application in the most simpler form. 

Simple yet powerful apps always win the battle of the competitive war.

Too many elements confuse the users. Therefore, as a rule of thumb, you must ensure that the simplicity of your mobile app is at its highest level.

#2 Make It Responsive

Being responsive doesn’t necessarily mean that your app must be able to fit in a mobile phone or any other smart device.

But the real sense of having a responsive design is to bring along all the important elements of your application into one view so that it becomes super easy for your users to tap them hassle-free.

For eg., if you have an eCommerce mobile app, all the important call-to-action elements like “Add to Cart” “Add to Wishlist” or “Checkout” must be visible prominently on the screen without scrolling further down.

A real responsive layout also emphasises displaying the images in their appropriate sizes.

#3 Correct Resolution Of Logos & Graphics

When we see some of the mobile apps that have stretched logos, poor graphics, or enlarged buttons, we really start to question their credibility, isn’t it?

A reputed brand would always pay attention to the quality of its logo and images used in its mobile applications.

Needless to mention here that your app developer must be able to visualize the quality of all the images/graphics that they use while mobile app development.

This is one of the reasons that you must hire a reliable mobile apps development company in India who have a UI designers team along with the app developers.

#4 Right Fonts

Too big fonts or tiny fonts can frustrate your users. Not only this, there are many font types that look weird on mobile apps (because of the limited space of the mobile device screens).

Therefore, your app developer must be able to identify the right font to be used for the app. You may also suggest to him/her the appropriate font style.

The best way to determine the right fonts for your mobile app is to analyze & study a couple of the best apps worldwide. You will get a fair idea about the fonts’ style, size, colors, and density that make a successful app.

#5 Call-to-Action Elements

The right usage of calls-to-action is the key to making a successful app.

Whether your goal is to get more subscribers for your app or sell your products through an app, you must ensure that all the necessary calls-to-action have been placed appropriately and the users shouldn’t look out for them when they wish to tap them and perform any action.

#6 Goal Driven Design

If your objective to develop a mobile app is to sell your products online, don’t show loads of information. By the same token, if you aim to get more subscribers for your app, don’t try to sell too much on your app.

Define your one major definite goal and engage your app developer to build your application around that single goal only. 

When your app developer is well-informed about your goals & objectives, he can design your mobile app accordingly.

#7 Platform Compatibility

As of now, there are two major operating systems/platforms in the market: Android & iOS.

Your app must be compatible with both platforms & must work with both of them seamlessly.

Not both iOS & Android have the same design specifications. 

Therefore, you must hire an experienced app developer in India who understands the difference between designing UI screens for Android and iOS.

This is one of the major mistakes that many startups do when they build their mobile apps. Then often forget about both platforms and just focus on the single one instead.

Don’t let this happen to you. The best solution here is to test, test, and test your mobile app for both platforms

It may take more time for you to test for both iOS & Android devices but it’s worth your time & money investment.

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