wordpress website development in India

Are you planning to outsource your website design to India? Hire a WordPress website agency or developer in India that can create a professional website for you at a low cost. But before you hire a WordPress expert in India, you must know about some of the basic WordPress terms.

Here, we have shared 25 most commonly used WordPress terms that you must know so that you can communicate effectively with your Indian website developer.

#1 WordPress:

WordPress is an open-source CMS that lets you create beautiful websites, blogs, and even eCommerce stores. Most Indian web developers use WordPress to create websites for their clients because of its easy-to-use backend & ability to customize.

#2 CMS (Content Management System):

A CMS is a fantastic tool that lets web developers and webmasters easily create, manage, and tweak content on websites without getting into the nitty-gritty of coding. And when it comes to building websites in India, WordPress shines as the top choice for every website builder in India.

#3 Themes:

Themes are pre-designed templates that determine the design/appearance and layout of a WordPress website. A theme makes it easier for any web developer to easily make changes to or redesign the look of a website.

#4 Plugins:

Plugins are additional software components that enhance a WordPress website’s functionality. Most Indian website builders are proficient in integrating and customizing plugins to add features such as contact forms, galleries, or eCommerce capabilities.

#5 Responsive Design:

Responsive design ensures that a website adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices. Experienced website designers in India understand the importance of a responsive design and always create websites that are mobile-friendly.

#6 Dashboard:

The WordPress dashboard serves as a central control panel, granting website administrators the ability to effortlessly manage and update website content, themes, plugins, and settings in one convenient location. Indian WordPress developers help & guide their clients through the dashboard’s functionalities. At Innomax, we provide our clients with a manual to understand the WordPress dashboard and its various capabilities.

#7 Posts and Pages:

Posts and pages are the two primary content types in WordPress. Posts are time-based entries typically used for blogs, while pages are static content such as About Us or Contact pages.

#8 Widgets:

Widgets are small modules that provide additional functionality and content to specific areas of a WordPress website, such as sidebars or footers. Experience Indian WordPress developers can customize widgets to enhance website usability and engagement according to their client’s requirements.

#9 Menus:

Menus allow developers to create and customize navigation links on a WordPress website. A professional WordPress developer in India would skillfully configure menus to facilitate easy navigation and logical website structure.

#10 Permalinks:

Permalinks are the permanent URLs assigned to individual pages or posts on a WordPress website. Indian developers who also have knowledge of SEO would always optimize permalinks to be descriptive, SEO-friendly, and easily understandable by users and search engines.

#11 SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

SEO encompasses strategies and techniques to improve a website’s visibility and ranking in search engine results. Most web developers these days apply SEO best practices, including keyword optimization, meta tags, and quality content creation.

#12 Metadata:

Metadata provides additional information about webpages, such as meta titles, meta descriptions, and meta keywords. Your SEO consultant can optimize metadata to enhance search engine visibility and improve click-through rates of your website.

#13 FTP (File Transfer Protocol):

FTP is a protocol that facilitates file transfer between a local computer and a web server. Indian developers proficiently use FTP to upload, download, and manage files on a WordPress website.

#14 Backup:

Backups are copies of a website’s files and database, ensuring protection against data loss. A responsible WordPress developer in India would implement regular backup strategies to safeguard clients’ websites and enable quick restoration if needed.

#15 SSL (Secure Sockets Layer):

SSL is a security protocol that encrypts data transmitted between a web server and users’ browsers. Most Indian WordPress developers prioritize SSL implementation to ensure secure communication and build trust with website visitors.

#16 CDN (Content Delivery Network):

CDNs are distributed networks of servers that store cached copies of website content. Your website builder can leverage CDNs to deliver website content quickly to users worldwide, improving website performance.

#17 Theme Customization:

The experienced Indian developers expertly customize WordPress themes to align with the client’s brand guidelines, visual identity, and unique requirements. This includes modifying colors, fonts, and layouts, and incorporating custom features.

#18 Child Theme:

A child theme inherits the functionality and styles of a parent theme while allowing customization without affecting future theme updates. A professional WordPress developer in India would always employ child themes to maintain website design consistency and flexibility.

#19 Shortcodes:

Shortcodes are small snippets of code that enable users to add dynamic elements or functionality to their WordPress content without extensive coding knowledge.

#20 Database:

The database stores all website content, including posts, pages, settings, and user information. Most web developers in India are capable to manage and optimize databases for efficient website performance.

#21 Cache:

Caching involves temporarily storing website data to expedite subsequent page loading. Your WordPress developer can skillfully configure caching mechanisms, such as caching plugins or server-side caching, to enhance website speed and performance.

#22 Multisite:

WordPress Multisite enables the management of multiple websites from a single WordPress installation. If you have multiple websites and if you want to manage them from a single installation, your WordPress developer can use the multisite option and help you to do that.

#23 Permalink Structure:

Appropriate permalink configuration helps to enhance SEO and user-friendliness. By optimizing permalink structures, URLs become more descriptive, meaningful, and easy to navigate.

#24 User Roles:

WordPress provides different user roles, each with specific capabilities and permissions. Indian developers assign appropriate user roles, such as administrators, editors, authors, contributors, or subscribers, based on clients’ needs.

#25 WooCommerce:

WooCommerce is a popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress that enables the creation of online stores. It provides a comprehensive set of features, including product management, secure payment gateways, shipping options, and inventory control, making it a powerful solution for selling products and services online. You can easily find & hire a professional WooCommerce developer in India who can create a profitable online store for you.

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