
Do you have an eCommerce website that’s not getting enough sales for you? Perhaps, you may not be getting any sales at all.

What you should do.

A redesign should come to your rescue.

redesign wordpress website

Are you still thinking about whether you should redesign it or not? It’s time to stop thinking and start redesigning. A website redesign comes with several benefits that you will be glad to know.

In this blog post, we will be sharing 7 benefits of redesigning your eCommerce store.

#1 Your Website Get A Fresh Look

Every human being loves change. Whether it’s about personal life or a professional one, we admire new changes. So is the case with a website too.

When you redesign your existing eCommerce store, not only do visitors love being around there, but you too may fall in love with your website again.

Redesigning & redeveloping your eCommerce website could be an opportunity for you to showcase your products or services from a different perspective. Try it & you will discover amazing new ideas.

#2 Good For SEO

Yes, an eCommerce website redesign is good for SEO too.


By redesigning your existing eCommerce website, your web developer ensures that:

a. Your website has a responsive design (good for SEO).

b. Your website loads quickly (beneficial for search engine rankings).

c. Your website has meta tags in place (Search engines love’em).

d. Your website gets rid of old heavy graphics and flash objects.

Is your eCommerce store getting less or no traffic from search engines? Get it redesigned.

#3 Good For Rebranding

Chances could be that your website was developed a few years ago and you have introduced several new changes like additional services, different product categories, different brand elements, or even a new logo.

If your website doesn’t speak the same language as your brand does, a redesign is not optional, it’s mandatory.

Redesigning your eCommerce website will ensure that your new brand values are integrated with your website.

#4 Updated CMS

With the ever-changing web technologies, it’s important to upgrade your website CMS too.

In the absence of regular up-gradation of CMS, your eCommerce website may be affected with:

a. Malicious scripts

b. Slow loading speed

c. Hacking possibility

d. Unexpected behavior

One more thing to be mentioned here. If you have not been using WordPress for your existing eCommerce website, this time you must choose WordPress to build your eCommerce store.

You may like to read about the reasons to choose WordPress for website development and how much it costs to develop an eCommerce website in India.

#5 Mobile & Browsers Compatibility

Old websites are generally incompatible with the latest version of browsers and devices like mobiles & tablets.

So when you redesign your existing eCommerce website to its latest version, you ensure that your store loads perfectly fine on the latest devices and browsers.

Most of your potential buyers are looking out for your services or products using their handheld devices and if your website is not compatible with those devices, you may be losing a significant share of sales.

#6 Increased Conversions

Needless to mention, you get more conversions on your eCommerce store when your website has:

a. Attractive & vibrant layout

d. Responsive web design

c. Browser compatibility

d. Fast loading pages

#7 High ROI

If you have been running your eCommerce business for quite some time now, chances are high that you are investing your money in search engine optimization, search engine marketing (Google Adwords), or Facebook Advertising.

An overall redesign of your eCommerce website can lead to more sales at the same advertising & marketing cost. It simply means that you get high returns on your investment.


Now that you know that there are several benefits of redesigning your eCommerce website, you must take an action now and hire a web developer in India to redesign your website at an affordable price.

Recommended post: How much is the website redesign cost in India?

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