
What’s the definition of bounce rate?

The bounce rate is the percentage of your website visitors who bounce off of your site immediately after they enter.

If you are getting consistent traffic on your website but those visitors are not converting into paid customers, there is perhaps something wrong with your website.

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You love your website, isn’t it? Of course, you do!

If your website visitors will not love your website, they may:

  • Quit your website as soon as they enter.
  • Not be converted into a paid customer.
  • Never return back to your website.

In other words, you may not be able to justify your cost of website development because of a high bounce rate. It’s really that crucial to take care of. 

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But how to make others love your website too?

Fortunately, there are several ways to make your website user-friendly & engaging. In this blog post, we have shared 5 best tips for you to reduce the bounce rate of your website. 

Let’s dive in.

#1 Check & fix loading speed

Various studies have shown that the loading speed of a website is directly responsible for its bounce rate.

Slow-loading websites always attract a high bounce rate. Therefore, if your website is also suffering from a high bounce rate, then probably it’s time to check & fix the loading speed of your site.

How you can check the loading speed of your website?

There are many free online tools such as https://tools.pingdom.com that you can use to check the loading speed of your website.

What’s next?

If you notice that your website is taking a lot of time to load, you can hire a website developer to perform the below actions:

  • Minifying the CSS & JS codes
  • Upgrading all the plugins or modules
  • Updating the core software of your website to its latest version
  • Ensuring that there are no malware infections on your website.
  • Removing all the useless codes, files, or modules/plugins.

In most cases, fixing the loading speed alone can improve the bounce rate of a website.

Recommended post: 7 Ways to speed up the loading speed of your WordPress website

#2 Cosmetic enhancements

Enhancing some of the cosmetic aspects of your website can also contribute towards the fixation of a high bounce rate on your website. 

Surprisingly, in some cases, making even minor cosmetic adjustments can bring significant results. 

Below are some of the basic yet effective cosmetic enhancements that your website builder can make on your website to reduce the bounce rate:

  • Changing the font (color, style, and size) to ensure it’s easy-to-read & easy-to-scan. 
  • Using appropriate color contrasts so that your potential customers can read the texts and links easily. 
  • Providing the right amount of padding and margin around the various text elements. 
  • Appropriate usage of white spaces.
  • Appropriate spacing around various elements of your web pages. 

#3 Mobile version fixing

If you are facing a high bounce rate issue on your website, you may like to check the responsiveness of your website too. Because if your website doesn’t have a responsive design, the mobile users may quit your website immediately after they enter.

Having a mobile-responsive design is no more a fancy thing now. It’s a must-have feature that you should have on your website. 

Responsive design not only helps to retain the users and reduce the bounce rate, but it also helps in securing high rankings on search engines. All the major search engines such as Google like websites that are responsive.

Benefits of responsive website design:

  • Wider audience coverage. 
  • SEO boost
  • Enhanced loading speed
  • Lower bounce rate
  • Improved conversion rate

How to check the responsiveness of your website?

You can use a tool like https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly to check whether your website is responsive or not. If you find that your website doesn’t have a high score for its responsiveness, then you must consider hiring a website developer to fix this issue for you. 

Recommended post: What are the benefits of responsive website design

#4 Adding FAQ section

Believe it or not, sometimes a customer doesn’t know what he is looking for.

Sure, the customers may visit your website and browse several pages, but they may not know which service or product will resolve their current problem or enhance their lifestyle.

Having a “Frequently Asked Questions” section on your website may help your visitors to understand more about your products & services.

While reading the FAQs, they may find an answer to their most important query or concern that was stopping them to engage in your services or buy your products. And if they do so, they will not only stay on your website for a longer period of time, but they may become your paid customer as well.

Here are some of the major benefits of the FAQ section:

  • It enhances your customer’s experience.
  • It saves time & provides quick information to your customers, enabling them to make a purchasing decision.
  • It serves your visitors as a customer support executive answering all of their possible questions. 

#5 Adding a blog

Regular blogging could be an easier & cost-effective way to drive traffic to your website and attract potential customers.

You will be surprised to know that many small businesses solely rely on their blog to get leads, inquiries, and sales.

Adding a blog section on your website can help you in many other ways too.

Here are some of the benefits that you get with regular blogging:

  • Boost in search engine optimization: When you write useful & meaningful blogs on your website, search engines are more likely to visit your webpages quite often and index them on their search engine result pages.
  • You get more customers: When your prospective buyers visit your website and read the blogs, they start seeing you as an authority in your industry. As a result, they will trust you more and would likely become your paid customers.
  • Engagement: Having a blog may also reduce the bounce rate of your website. You can also ask your website builder to show related blogs on each blog detail page so that the users can hop over from one blog to another.
  • Lead generation: When you write informative blogs and post them regularly on your website, your subscribers will be more likely to contact you to know more about your services. In other words, you can leverage your website’s blog to generate more leads & inquiries for your business.
  • Brand establishment: Blogging is the most inexpensive way to establish your company, business, or services as a renowned brand. When you write a blog, it becomes the voice of your brand.

Recommended post: 8 Benefits of blogging for your eCommerce website

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