Small business website design and development

What’s a small business website?

A small business website is any kind of website that’s built for a business with limited resources, typically a small business. It could be a personal website that you built yourself or it could be a website you paid a website developer to build for you.

Small business website design and development

Why do small businesses need a website?

A website is a great way to build trust with your clients and show them that you’re reliable and professional. It’s also a great way to get found by potential customers who are searching for your services online.

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How can a website help small businesses to grow?

If you’re a small business owner and you don’t have a website, you’re missing out. Having a website is crucial because it’s the most cost-effective way for people to find you online. And if someone can find you online, then they can find out about your business and contact you.

The number one way a website can help small businesses grow is that it’s an affordable and easy way to get your brand online, but there are a few other things you can do to make sure your website is set up in a way that will help you to be successful. For example, you can ensure that your small business website has all the required features to grow your revenue.

But the question is “what are the essential features that a small business website should have?

What are the essential features of a small business website?

When you go out to hire a website developer to build a website, you may get different proposals from different website builders. Some of those proposals may have too many advanced features that you may not need however some of them may have no useful features at all. Then the question is “how you should know what are the essential features that your small business website should have?”.

Well, we have made your lives easier.

Below are some of the basic yet essential features that every small business website must have:

#1 Responsive design: When you’ve made the decision to launch your own website, it is important to make sure that it is responsive. Responsiveness means that your website will look great on any device: desktop, tablet or smartphone. If your website isn’t responsive, you could lose out on a lot of traffic and potential clients.
 It is therefore very important to hire a professional website developer to create your business website.

#2 List of services: If you have a small business website, it should have a list of services that you offer. For each service, there should be a detailed page on your website that explains the service in detail. 

#3 FAQ: It’s very important to have a FAQ section on your website because you’ll often get questions from customers and potential customers asking the same things over and over again. By putting together an FAQ page, you can answer those questions once and for all, so that you can stop answering them over and over again.

#4 Live Chat: Live chat is a great way to build customer relationships, provide customer service, and increase your site’s conversion rates. Live chat means that you can talk to your customers as they’re on your site and answer any questions they have. This is great because it means more sales for you and happier customers. 
Adding a live chat feature to your website shouldn’t take much time for your website developer because there are several plugins & modules available these days to incorporate a live chat widget to any site.

#5 Contact forms: If you want to get more leads for your small business website, you need to add a contact form and an enquiry form. Your website developer can create a contact form for enquiries about products or services, and an enquiry form for people who want a quote. Both forms will help you get more leads.

#6 Testimonials: A testimonials section is important because it builds trust with your users. Testimonials let people know that your product or service has worked for other people, which encourages them to give it a try and see if it works for them. It’s also good for SEO, as testimonials help you rank for certain keywords.

#7 SEO architecture: In order to rank well in Google, you need to have a good SEO architecture. Your website needs to be structured in a way that makes it easy for Google to crawl and index the content on your website.

#8 Blog: Blogging is a great way to build an audience and trust with your customers. Blogging helps provide your customers with the information they need to make the right decisions about your products and services.

Which CMS is good for small business website development?

WordPress is one of the best CMSs that most website developers recommend for building a small business website.

Below are some of the good reasons to create a small business website using WordPress:

#1 WordPress is free to use.
#2 WordPress sites take less time to build.
#3 WordPress has dozens of useful yet free plugins.
#4 Redesigning a WordPress website is easier.
#5 WordPress CMS is SEO-friendly.
#6 WordPress developers are available in abundance.

Recommended post: 6 Major reasons to use WordPress for website development

How much is the cost to build a small business website?

Since creating a small business website using a CMS like WordPress doesn’t take too much time & effort for your developer, the cost to build your website should not go higher than $2000. However, your website design cost may increase if you have any advanced features to add to your website.

How much is the website design cost in India?

When you hire an Indian website developer or designer, you can easily save more than 30% or even 40% on your web design cost. The cost to build a website in India starts as low as $400. Of course, you can get even lower quotes from many developers who are freshers and don’t have much experience. But you should be very careful in selecting an Indian website developer because you can’t go wrong when it comes to building your business website.

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Why Indian website developers for small business website development?

If you are wondering why you should hire an Indian website builder, below are some of the major reasons to outsource your website design project to India:

#1 Indian website builders are affordable, so you can save money on your website design cost.
#2 Indian website developers are excellent at support.
#3 Most Indian website developers are multi-skilled. This means they can work on different platforms and technologies.
#4 There are many Indian website development companies that work according to their clients’ timezones.
#5 Most Indian website developers have more than 2 years of experience. This means that your website is in safe hands.

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