
There has been an increase in demand for the development of eCommerce websites over the last decade. 

More & more retail businesses and startups are considering building eCommerce stores to grow their revenue. 

The reason behind the popularity of eCommerce websites is their low-cost development as well as the ability to scale up, breaking all the geographical barriers. But at the same time, the number of security threats for eCommerce websites has been increasing as well. 

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Every e-commerce business or entrepreneur must take necessary precautions in order to make their e-commerce store safe & secured. 

In this blog post, we will be sharing 7 tips for you to secure your e-commerce website. 

Let’s dive in.

#1 Choosing Correct Platform

This is perhaps the first and foremost step to securing an e-commerce website. 

Before getting started with your website development, you must research well and choose an appropriate e-commerce platform for you. 

If you are not sure about it, you may consult your web developer who can help you to decide upon the correct platform.

Some of the most popular & reliable to develop eCommerce stores are WordPress, Magento & Shopify.

Recommended post: 6 Most popular CMS platforms to create an eCommerce website

#2 Using SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

Having your eCommerce store on an SSL enabled server helps you in 2 ways:

  • It helps to protect your user’s confidential information that’s being processed on the server. The SSL-enabled server encrypts the data processed on the website.

    Without encryption, an attacker or hacker might be able to read passwords, credit card information, and other sensitive information on the website.

  • It helps to increase the chances of your online store ranking in higher positions if search engines like Google.

    All the major search engines like Google always prefer to rank those websites that use a secured layer. Of course, other SEO activities do matter as well.

#3 Securing Backend Credentials

Most of the eCommerce websites are built using CMS software like WordPress. Every CMS has a backend or admin section from where the web developers/webmasters can manage the content of the website. 

The hackers & attackers always make attempts to unlock the backend of a website so that they can enter and inject malicious codes. 

Therefore, it’s very important for every eCommerce business to ensure that all such passwords should be hard to guess.

#4 Restricting Unauthorised Access

Since most of the CMS have a standard way of coding and structuring, it can be easy for the hackers to hit & try some of the most commonly used conventions. 

Therefore, it’s very important to restrict all the possible entries & accesses by modifying the conventional ways to access a website’s codes. 

Only professional web developers can change the standard way of accessing a website and there you must ensure that you hire only experienced developers to do this job.

#5 Choosing Reliable Web Hosting

A web hosting company plays an important role in the security & performance of any eCommerce website. Is your server secured enough?

Therefore, you must ensure that you engage only reliable web hosting companies. The only way to choose a reliable hosting server is to follow a checklist before subscribing to any web hosting package.

  • What are the specifications of your server? 
  • How good is the support? 
  • What’s the opinion of existing customers? 
  • Does your web hosting company provide SSL? 
  • Has your web hosting company enabled anti-virus systems on their servers?

#6 Regular Web Maintenance

Website development is not a one-time job. It’s a never-ending process. Web technologies keep changing every few months and if your website is not updated with the latest versions, it may become vulnerable to all the security breaches.

The key is to maintain your website regularly. If you are concerned about the cost to maintain your eCommerce website, here’s some good news for you. You can find & hire affordable web developers in India who can help you to build & maintain your website.

#7 Regular Backups

The last but not the least measure to secure your eCommerce website is to take regular backups of the clean copy. 

When you have the latest functional backup of your website, you can always reinstate it in case of any security breach on your website.

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