Small business website design and development

Importance of SEO

When people search for products and services online, they use search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to find the best options available. This means if you don’t appear in the search results, you’re missing out on potential customers.

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SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it means that you’re optimizing the way your website appears in search results. SEO is crucial for any kind of online business.

SEO is vital because it’s the only way people will find your website. If you don’t do SEO, then no one will ever see your work.

Maintaining your website is crucial for SEO because it helps you to keep an eye on the quality of your content.

Importance of website maintenance

Website maintenance is the thing that’s often overlooked when people start a website. But it’s one of the most vital things you can do. By maintaining your website, you’re going to make sure that you keep the content on it up-to-date.

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Below are some of the reasons why you should hire a website designer for your website maintenance:

  • Website security
  • Website updating
  • Website upgrading
  • Website’ SEO
  • Regular backups of the website
  • Errors fixing

Recommended post: 6 Benefits of hiring a website designer for your website maintenance

In this blog post, we have shared how website maintenance can help in the SEO (search engine optimization) of your website.

Let’s dive in!

#1 Fresh content

You can have the best website and the best product, but if you don’t have fresh content, then you’re not going to be able to get the traffic that you deserve. Fresh content is critical for SEO because Google looks at your site and says, “Is this a credible, authoritative site?

By continuing to add content, you’re doing two things: you’re helping Google know what your website is about and you’re keeping your readers engaged. It’s crucial to have a website that is clean and easy to navigate.

When you hire a website designer for your website maintenance, he or she can help you add new pages and new content to your website so that it’s better for search engine rankings.

Keeping the website always afresh is perhaps one of the major reasons to subscribe to any website maintenance package.

#2 Website responsiveness

Google has already announced that they were going to start penalizing websites that were not mobile-friendly. This means that if your website is not responsive, then it will be harder for people to find you on Google.

If your website is not responsive, it’s important to get a professional in to make it responsive as soon as possible.

When you hire a website designer or developer for your website maintenance, he or she can help to make your website responsive. This means that your site will be easy to view from any device, whether it be a desktop computer, a laptop, or even a smartphone.

Having a responsive website design is the most important factor when it comes to SEO (search engine optimization).

Recommended post: Benefits of responsive website design and how Indian website builders can help

#3 Checking broken links

As your website expands in terms of more pages & more content, there could be a few possibilities of having some broken links on your site. Especially, when you change the URL of any webpage or delete an existing page on your website, you must get your website audited for the broken links.

The broken links on a website can affect its SEO score badly. In other words, if your website has several broken links, it can be hard for you to rank on search engines.

But when you hire a website developer to maintain your website regularly, they would keep an eye on the broken links on your site and fix them immediately. There are several tools like https://www.brokenlinkcheck.com/ to check broken links on any website.

#4 Website speed

The loading speed of a website plays an important role in its search engine optimization. If your website is loading too slow, you must take immediate action as it can affect your SEO negatively.

Since most website developers and website design companies include speed optimization as an important activity under the “web maintenance service”, the loading speed of your website will always be taken care of when you hire a website maker to maintain your website.

Recommended post: 7 Ways to enhance the loading speed of a WordPress website

#5 Other technical checks

There are several other technical checks that your developer can do while maintaining your website. Some of those important checks are mentioned below:

  • XML sitemap
  • Robots.txt file
  • Crawling errors
  • SSL
  • Image optimization
  • W3C validation

Regular website maintenance is an integral part of any website’s search engine optimization. You must not build a website, shut it, and forget it. Instead, hiring a website developer to maintain your website would be a great idea if you are really serious about SEO.

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