
Building a website can sometimes become challenging. You may face several issues during your website development process. 

indian website designers & web developers

In this blog post, we have shared such 5 common challenges that you may face during your website development along with their solutions. 

Let’s get started!

#1 Unexpected hike in website cost

Your website design can cost more than you think.

Sometimes, the time to develop a website may take longer than expected which could be due to some unforeseen factors such as reliability on 3rd-party libraries or plugins.

But these kinds of delays may increase your overall web development budget.

When you are going to start your website development project, it’s important to control the budget from the beginning.

How can you make sure that there is no unexpected hike in your website cost?

The answer is “Go for a fixed-cost model“.

The fixed-cost model is the most appropriate model for website development because it allows making your website development costs predictable, reliable, and manageable.

In other words, the fixed cost of website development is better than the hourly rate of web development because it helps to save money.

It is not possible to estimate the exact time for the development of a website. But it is possible to estimate the total cost for the development of a website.

And that’s what most Indian web designers do. Yes, they work on a fixed website development cost rather than on an hourly basis.

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#2 Delay in project completion

There are several reasons why your website may not be completed on time. After all, it’s not as easy as it looks to create a website.

Firstly, every web design company has a different approach to working on website development.

Secondly, your web development company or website designers may not be able to foresee the challenges that your project may bring for them.

But in most cases, the major cause of delay in project completion is the misunderstanding between the web developers and the clients. By not understanding the project requirements correctly or completely, your web designer may not be able to deliver the project successfully on time.

How can you avoid the delay in project completion?

In order to ensure the timely delivery of the website development project, it is necessary to have a clear schedule of the tasks and milestones of the project.

It is also important that your website designer have a clear understanding of your expectations.

Also, before you hire a website builder in India, you must make sure that he or she is able to understand your business requirements completely.

This is the reason we always recommend hiring only professional & experienced website developers in India.

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#3 Wrong selection of CMS

The Content Management System (CMS) is what makes a website development easier & cost-effective. It’s what allows the web developer to create web pages, blogs, and other content for your website, and then allows you to change that content yourself whenever you need to.

All CMS platforms are great. But not even a single of them can be used for all kinds of websites.

What happens when your website developers start building your website and they choose a CMS that’s not right for you? You may find yourself frustrated and overwhelmed by it. You may find yourself stuck in a platform that’s not what you wanted.

In other words, the selection of a CMS should be done according to the website development needs.

We all know that WordPress is a great CMS platform, but it can’t be used for every website. Different websites may need different CMS platforms according to the nature & size of the project.

How you can resolve the CMS problem?

Don’t rely on a single web developer or web design company to suggest a CMS for your website development. Instead, you must consult multiple web development companies in India and ask their opinions about the selection of an appropriate CMS for your website development.

The selection of the right CMS is the key to successful website development. Therefore, it must be done with extreme care.

Recommended post: WordPress Vs Drupal: Which CMS is better for your website development

#4 Improper website testing

Website testing is a crucial part of making your website work for you. 

The truth is that you won’t always get it right the first time and that’s okay.

It’s actually better if you try a few different things and then continue to test and adjust until you find the right formula.

If you don’t test your website, you won’t know if your customers are having a good experience with it or not.

The more you test, the more you’ll know about what works on your website and what needs to be changed.

How can you test your website efficiently?

Here are some of the important points to test your website for:

  • Browser compatibility
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Website loading speed
  • Broken links
  • Fonts alignment, font size, font consistency, etc.
  • Forms validation & functionality
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#5 Selection of a wrong developer

If you hire the wrong web developer, they can obviously make mistakes that break your website.

But even if they don’t break your site, they can make it ugly and slow.

Choosing the right web developer for your business can be a difficult task.

It’s crucial to make sure you find someone who has experience in designing and coding websites for businesses like yours. They should already know the ins and outs of creating a website that will support your business goals.

How you can ensure the selection of a right web developer?

Before you hire an Indian web design company or a website designer, do make sure to check below qualities or skills:

  • Experience in CMS website development
  • Experience in website coding
  • Good communication skills
  • Prompt support
  • Plenty of past works/portfolio
  • Plenty of previous customers’ testimonials
  • Affordable pricing system

Are you looking for a reliable, professional yet affordable Indian website builder? Contact us now!

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