
Do you need an affordable website? Go for WordPress.

Additionally, you can also hire Indian website builders to create your WordPress site at a much affordable cost.

So, building a website using WordPress is not challenging at all. But it comes with some responsibilities too.

SEO WordPress Website Design

Being one of the most popular CMS available on the planet today, WordPress is also prone to different kinds of security threats from intruders who always attempt to hack WordPress websites.

Below are some of the most common ways in which your website can be hacked or compromised:

  • Injection of spyware, and malware.
  • SQL Injection attacks. 
  • Brute force attacks.
  • Redirection to fraud websites.
  • Website data loss.

Therefore, your website developer must take all the necessary steps to protect your WordPress website from all types of possible security threats.

woocommerce security

A compromised website can affect your business in many ways.

In this blog post, we have shared 6 major reasons for you or your website developer to secure your WordPress site.

#1 Loss of revenue

A compromised WordPress website can cause a loss of revenue for your business. 

When your target audience sees security warnings on your website, they don’t feel comfortable doing business with you. Moreover, they would also quit your website immediately to never return back again. 

Especially if you run an e-commerce store, it’s even more important for your website builder to take care of the security of your website. 

Because in the case of an e-commerce business, you want your shoppers to pay online and place their orders through your website, you must do everything that it takes to convince your users that their sensitive data is safe & secure with you.  

Investing a little money and time to secure your WordPress website is really worth it. 

#2 Loss of reputation

As we mentioned already that when your visitors see security warnings on your WordPress website, they are more likely to quit immediately to never return back again. It, therefore, damages your business reputation as well. 

There is always a solution to get out of any technical issues with a website, but when it comes to the reputation of your business, it could sometimes be irrecoverable. 

Once the online reputation of your business is lost, it may take a few months or even years to get it back. 

Don’t take a chance.

Hire a professional WordPress developer and get your website secured so that you are not at the risk of losing your brand reputation. 


#3 Loss of SEO rankings

To get revenue from your website, you need quality traffic. And when we talk about getting quality traffic on any website, SEO (search engine optimization) is perhaps the most effective & affordable medium. 

But if your WordPress website is compromised or infected with malicious codes, your SEO rankings may drop significantly

No matter how good your SEO strategies are if your website is not secure, you may not achieve the desired results from your SEO campaign. 

If your website is already ranking on search engines like Google and you have recently seen a drop in your rankings, you must check and make sure that there are no security loopholes in your website.  

#4 For website performance

A compromised WordPress website may have several side-effects related to its performance, such as:

  • Redirection to an illegitimate website. 
  • Slowing down the webpage loading speed. 
  • Showing security warnings or errors on the website. 
  • Showing security warnings on the browsers.

All of the above-mentioned consequences affect the user experience of your website badly. 

Hire an affordable WordPress development company in India to optimize your website!

#5 For your customers

If you think that a compromised website affects only your business & reputation, perish that thought now! 

When intruders & hackers take control of your website because of the lack of security, they also try to steal the sensitive information of your customers as well. 

So, it’s not only you will have to suffer because of a compromised website, but your customers may also have to face different kinds of challenges. 

Don’t take it lightly. 

You must hire a website developer to check and make sure that your website is not a victim of security hackers. 

#6 Increase in security attacks

Last but not least reason for you to secure your WordPress is the growing number of security attacks every year.

According to a security magazine, “A study was made that stated that there is an attack every 39 seconds on average on the web and the non-secure usernames and passwords that are being used give attackers more chance of success.”

Given the above data, it becomes even more important than ever for every WordPress webmaster to secure their websites from different types of security threats.

It won’t be wrong to say that a website’s security is as important as its development in the first place. If you or your website developer has no plans for securing your website, you shouldn’t even think about making a website.

Securing a WordPress website

Now that you know security is an integrated part of your WordPress website development, let’s see how your WordPress developer can secure your website:

  • Upgrading all the required plugins & themes. 
  • Changing the admin URL & username. 
  • Making the password stronger and hard to guess.
  • Prohibiting file editing. 
  • Changing the access permissions of crucial files. 
  • Using SSL for data encryption. 
  • Changing the database prefix.
  • Setting up lockdown feature. 

Recommended post: 11 Ways in which a WordPress developer in India can protect your website from hacking

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