
WordPress has become very popular over the last decade. WordPress is considered an efficient & affordable way to create websites. 

Be it a simple corporate website or an e-commerce store, WordPress can do it all for you.

Despite the popularity of WordPress, there have been several myths around it as well.

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In this blog post, we will be sharing 7 common myths about WordPress website development and debunking them too. 

Let’s start.

#1 WordPress is just for blogging

Yes, it’s true that WordPress started its journey as a blogging platform, but over the past few years, it has emerged as one of the most robust CMS platforms to build any kind of website. 

Be it a basic informative website, eCommerce store, or web portal, WordPress can handle them all for you.

Until now, nothing beats WordPress when it comes to blogging. And we all know how blogging can help your website secure higher rankings on search engines. 

In other words, when you use WordPress CMS and do regular blogging, you will definitely get relevant traffic and more sales & leads.

Recommended post: 6 Reasons to use WordPress for your website development

#2 WordPress is not secured

Now, this is a very common myth that most people have. 

When they think about building their website using WordPress, they immediately get worried about the security of their websites

The reason for this popular misconception is that there have been many cases where WordPress websites were hacked and infected with viruses & malicious codes. 

Let us be clear here. The security of any website is not solely affected by its CMS. There are many other factors that make a website insecure. Some of these factors are lousy web hosting, easy-to-crack passwords, etc. 

However, when it comes to WordPress security, there are several ways in which a website designer can tighten its security.

Here are but a few ways in which we, at Innomax, secure WordPress websites:

  • Changing the conventional username and login URL of the WordPress backend.
  • Changing the file permissions of important files.
  • Tightening the passwords of the WordPress backend, Control Panel, and FTP.
  • Changing the conventional names of DB and other important files.
  • Installing security plugins like “All In One WP Security”.

By following the above few practices, our website designers make sure that all of our client’s websites are secure and hard to crack.

Recommended post: 7 Tips to secure your eCommerce website

#3 WordPress is not scaleable

This is another reason why most businesses don’t want to use WordPress to build their websites. They believe that WordPress is not scaleable and hence if required in the future, their websites can’t be expanded according to their requirements. 

But that’s not true at all. WordPress is Scaleable.

From a complex e-commerce website to web portals, we have developed many websites using WordPress and upgraded them with lots of new features, as and when required. 

So, if you need assistance to upgrade or scale up your existing WordPress website, you can hire a WordPress developer in India who can help you to do this job for you at an affordable price. 

#4 WordPress is not powerful

If you too think that WordPress is not powerful enough to build great websites, think about it again.

There are many popular websites that have been developed using WordPress CMS (as of writing this blog post). Some of them are below:

  • BBC America
  • Bloomberg
  • TechCrunch
  • The Walt Disney Company
  • Vogue
  • & more…

So, next time any website designers say that WordPress is not powerful, show them this evidence.

#5 WordPress is not good for eCommerce

Many entrepreneurs are reluctant to use WordPress to develop their e-commerce stores. They think that WordPress can’t power robust e-commerce websites. 

That’s again a myth.

We’ve got first-hand experience. After building more than 100 e-commerce websites using WordPress, we can proudly say that WordPress is an ideal CMS for developing shopping cart websites. 

In fact, we would say that all small businesses and new startups must use WordPress for their e-commerce websites. Here are some of the convincing reasons for them to choose WordPress:

  • WordPress is free to use.
  • Most WordPress plugins are free.
  • There are many WordPress themes that are available at no cost.
  • WordPress developers are affordable.

Recommended post: 9 Reasons to choose WordPress for eCommerce website development

#6 WordPress websites are slow

You must also have heard many times that WordPress websites’ loading speed is too slow. Or WordPress makes websites load slowly.

That’s not true at all. If your WordPress website is loading slowly, that could be because of your web developer or the wrong selection of theme, plugin, or hosting company.

There are many ways in which you can avoid the slow loading speed of your WordPress website. Some of them are below:

  • Use a reliable hosting company.
  • Use reliable plugins & themes from trustworthy developers.
  • Regularly maintain your website.
  • Optimize all the images on your website.

Recommended post: 7 Ways to speed up your WordPress website

#7 WordPress Plugins Are InSecure

We all know that WordPress websites run on themes and plugins. A wrong plugin can affect your website badly. Having said this, it doesn’t mean that all of the WordPress plugins are dodgy.

There are many ways to check whether a plugin is reliable or not. For instance,

  • Check the last updated date of the plugin. It must be recent.
  • Check the reviews & testimonials of existing users of that plugin.
  • Check the support & responsiveness of plugin developers.


If you need an affordable website, WordPress is the right choice for you. WordPress is a great CMS. It’s just that you need to hire an experienced WordPress developer to ensure that your website is built professionally and bug-free. 

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