
Do you need a WordPress website at an affordable cost? If yes, then hiring a web developer in India can be your perfect choice.

Why you must hire a web developer from India?

Well, we have already written a blog post on the benefits of hiring an Indian web developer or an Indian web development company. However below are some of the major benefits at a glance:

a. You get an affordable price.

b. Most Indian web developers are excellent in communication.

c. You will find many web developers in India who have got rich experience in developing websites.

d. Indian web developers are well-versed with the working pattern of the global market.

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Are all web developers from India worth hiring?

Well, no.

Like not all fingers are the same, you will find some good web developers and some bad developers too.

So, what is it that differentiates between a good and bad web developer?

In this blog post, we are going to share some important questions which you must ask your WordPress web developer before you hire him/her for your website development.

Q1. How much experience do you have in WordPress?

This is, of course, a very basic question to ask before hiring a web developer in India, but quite often, the customers choose web developers based on their quotes. The lower they get a quote from any website developer, the higher becomes the chances to hire him/her.

Rather than going by budget, you must ensure that your web developer has experience of at least 3-4 years.

Q2. Will you use readymade theme or custom website design?

When you choose WordPress for your website development, you have an option to choose the layout among thousands of free & paid themes available.

Choosing a readymade theme helps you to bring down the cost to develop your website however you must be aware that the design/theme that you will choose for your website may have been used by several other webmasters too.

If getting a unique design for your website is your primary concern, then you must ask and insist your web developer create a custom design for your website.

Of course, creating a custom website design takes more time as compared to the readymade theme, and hence, the cost to build your website increases as well.

Whether to choose a custom web design or a theme totally depends on your preference. Technically, none of these options are bad.

Q3. Do you have experience in WordPress plugins customization?

This is another important question that you must ask your web developer before hiring him.

While it’s true that there are plenty of free WordPress plugins available for every feature that you need to integrate with your website, not all of them fit well to your expectations.

Therefore, it’s very important that your web developer must have expertise in customizing the plugins according to your unique specifications.

Q4. Can you show me some of your past works?

This seems to be a no-brainer question but unfortunately, many people hire web developers in India just on the basis of their cheapest quote.

Yes, it’s true that taking care of your budget is very important and it won’t be wise if you spend a major portion of your overall business investment in web development. But you must not go with the cheap web developer on the cost of your website quality.

Do make sure that your web developer is able to show you at least 10 recent websites that he/she has developed using WordPress.

If you are satisfied with the quality of their past works, then only you must consider hiring them and negotiate on the price. If not, there are still several WordPress developers in India who may be willing to work with you.

Q5. Can you provide contact details of your recent customers?

Now, this is a very critical question and we bet that most so-called WordPress experts would deny and refrain from giving their existing or past clients.

What could be the reason?

The ugly truth of the web design industry in India is that many startup web design companies or freelance web developers grab the projects from clients with full enthusiasm & lots of promises, but hardly they’re able to keep their clients happy.

If you’ve been running your business online for a while and have already hired any web developer from India in the past, you know what we mean.

No, we don’t mean that all the web design companies or freelancers are bad except us, but we are simply talking about the majority. There are still many great web designers and companies in India who always fulfill their promises, but you really need to hand-pick & hire them carefully.

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Q6. Would will you do about the website security?

WordPress, being one of the popular CMS, is prone to malicious codes injection. Therefore, every web developer who uses WordPress to build a website must take care of its security too. Unfortunately, very few of them would care about the security.

So if you are going to hire a WordPress developer for your website, you must ensure that he/she follows the security norms. There are several ways to secure a WordPress website.

Recommended post: 11 Ways in which a WordPress developer can secure your website

Q7. How I will be able to take over my website after you develop?

One of the major reasons to choose WordPress is its simplicity to manage the content.
When you get your website developed using WordPress, you don’t need to hire a web developer to do minor changes on the website. You can do it easily following a short set of instructions. But unfortunately, many web developers would not provide you with the manual.

Therefore, you must make sure that you get a manual after your website is completed so that you don’t need to run after your web designer and request to make small changes or pay them for making those changes.

We, at Innomax, have a practice of creating a customized instruction manual for every client and providing them upon the website handover.

Recommended post: 5 Things to take handover of after your website completion

Q8. What about the ownership of the website?

Taking ownership of your website once it’s fully developed, is as important as its existence. In our experience of more than 10 years, we’d come across several webmasters who happen to never have the login credentials of their WordPress CMS or the server control panel.

The worst thing was, that many of them were not even able to get hold of their previous web developer.

To avoid this kind of frustrating situation, you must insist & ensure that your web developer should provide you with all the login credentials related to your website. Be its a website backendserver, or domain control panel, you must ensure that you have all of them.

Q9. What’s the warranty?

If you have experience running a website already, you probably know what we mean here.

It’s very likely that after your website development is completed, there may be some errors that you never noticed previously, or perhaps new errors may arise after your website has been launched.

You must hire only those web developers who provide at least 3 months of warranty. If anything happens to your website, your web developer must be able to fix it without charging you any fee.



Hiring a WordPress developer from India is not bad at all.

But you must follow certain precautionary measures to ensure that you don’t get in a terrible situation where you feel that you are being cheated.

By asking the above 9 questions, you can be sure of getting quality work at an affordable price from Indian web developers or web design companies.

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