
Running an e-commerce business doesn’t require huge capital, we all know.

Developing a basic e-commerce website also doesn’t require thousands of dollars, we know that as well.

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But what most of us don’t know is that getting success in the eCommerce business is not really that easy. 

It takes effort, strategies, the right practices, and perseverance. 

In this blog post, we will be sharing 6 practices that can’t afford to miss if you want to achieve success in your e-commerce business.

Let’s dive in.

#1 Calls To Action

The call to action, known as the “CTA,” is an appeal to users to perform a certain action on your e-commerce website.

Conversions & revenue of any e-commerce business, depend on the mighty call to action, to a large extent.

Some of the common calls to action elements for eCommerce websites are below:

  • Buy Now
  • Add to Cart
  • Subscription signups
  • Read More
  • Try it Now
  • Online Chat

Here are some tips for creating attractive call-to-action elements:

  • Use words that provoke emotions
  • Use vibrant colors
  • Try different creatives
  • Try A/B testing of different calls to action
  • Use bigger and bold fonts

#2 Cart Design

Did you know that more than 50% of users abandon their orders on the final checkout page?

Although, it’s sad to say that more than half of your website visitors may abandon their carts and quit your website without completing their orders, it’s a fact.

Having said this, this is not a dead-end. Like any other challenge, you can put some effort to resolve this problem too.

Here are but a few known strategies to improve the cart design and reduce the order abandonment rate, to a certain extent:

  • Always show detailed product summary
  • The colors of your buttons & other graphics must be user-friendly
  • Clear thumbnail images
  • Clear CTA (call to action)
  • Accept popular payment methods
  • Display trust seals
  • Provide a live chat option
  • Provide the option to continue shopping
  • Show a clear returns policy
  • Don’t show any surprises, like additional shipping charges, etc.

Before you invest any money in your marketing campaigns, do make sure that the cart process on your e-commerce website is equipped with the above tools.
You may also hire an eCommerce developer to do this job for you. If you don’t have enough budget, consider hiring Indian web developers who can help you to develop these features at an affordable cost.

#3 Robust Search

Does your e-commerce website have a robust search feature?

Having a user-friendly yet robust search feature can definitely help your users to find their desired products and can help you to get more conversions too.

Here are but a few major qualities that your search feature has:

  • Use autocomplete for your website search.
  • Place your search bar on a prominent location of your web pages.
  • The size of your search bar and button must be big enough to play around.
  • Show some default text to encourage users to search.
  • Show an option within the search bar to choose categories too.

If your e-commerce website doesn’t have a search feature or you do have a search feature but it’s missing some of the above-mentioned qualities, hire a web developer now to get it fixed. It’s really worth adding to your website.

#4 Search Filtration

Having a search feature on any e-commerce website alone may not be sufficient. Your customers may be more demanding. Therefore, you must also provide your customers with an option to further filter the searched products.

For a great experience for your users, you can make sure that the filtration process on your e-commerce store has the below qualities:

  • Provide relevant filters to choose from.
  • Let customers select multiple filters.
  • The filters could be toggleable so that the users can minimize them if required.
  • Provide manual input option too, for eg. price range.

#5 Social Sharing

Providing an option to share your products will certainly give a boost to your overall sales. But that’s not the end. 

There are many reasons for incorporating the social sharing option on your e-commerce website with each product. 

Here are some of those reasons:

  • Social sharing enhances SEO too
  • Your website gets more traffic from social networking
  • Your brand gets viral on social media
  • An economical method of marketing 

#6 Responsive Web Design

More than 50% of online buyers use their mobile devices to search for & purchase their desired products. Having said this, it even becomes more important, rather than being fancy, to have a responsive web design for your e-commerce store.

Although, in 2019, it seems a bit outdated to talk about the importance and benefits of a responsive website design, because fundamentally, each and every website must be responsive by now.

However, there are still many e-commerce websites and other corporate websites that are not responsive. What a shame!

Below are some of the major reasons for having a responsive e-commerce store:

  • Enhances search engine visibility
  • Enhances user-experience
  • Cater to social media users
Recommended post: 6 Best practices to create a responsive eCommerce website design

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