website development services in India

Consultancy Business Website Design

#1 Consultancy Business Website Design

A website can help you grow your consultancy business in a number of ways.

First, it provides a central location for potential clients to learn more about your company and the services you offer. This can help you attract new business and expand your reach.

Additionally, a website can help you build credibility and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. By sharing blog posts, articles, or whitepapers on your website, you can demonstrate your expertise and attract attention from prospective clients.

Finally, a website can be a valuable tool for keeping existing clients informed about your company’s latest news and developments. By regularly updating your content, you can keep clients engaged and show that you are an active and dynamic business.

Below are some of the essential features that a consultancy business website should have:
  • Call-to-action
    As a consultancy business, it is important to have a strong call-to-action on your website and marketing materials. By having a clear call-to-action, you will be able to convert more leads into clients. A well-written call-to-action will tell potential clients what they need to do in order to work with you and how you can benefit them.
  • Services
    As a business consultancy, it is important to have a comprehensive services section on your website. This allows potential clients to see the full range of services you offer, and also provides a way for them to get in touch with you to discuss their specific needs. By including a detailed services section on your site, you can show potential clients that you are the right choice for their business consultancy needs.
  • Contact form
    A business consultancy website design should have a responsive contact form to enable potential clients to send their details. This is important in order to facilitate communication and ensure that the consultation process runs smoothly. Having a responsive contact form ensures that potential clients can easily get in touch with the business and provides them with the information they need to make an informed decision about whether or not to use the consultancy services.
  • SSL certificate
    All the pages of your business consultancy website design must be using SSL in order to ensure that your site is secure and engaging for potential customers. By using SSL, you can help protect your site from hackers and other online threats. This will also give your customers peace of mind knowing that their personal information is safe when they visit your site.
  • Blog
    A blog can be a very helpful tool for your business consultancy website design. By providing informative and engaging content, you can attract potential clients and show off your expertise in the field. In addition, a blog can help to build your brand and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.
  • Professional images
    As a business consultancy, it is important that your website designer uses high-quality images that accurately reflect your brand. Choosing the right images can be the difference between a website that looks professional and trustworthy, and one that looks amateurish and untrustworthy.
Cost to build a business consultancy website design in India

The cost to develop a business consultancy website in India may start at $400 and can increase depending on your specific needs.

Recommended post: 16 Essential features that a consultancy business website design should have

dropshipping website design

#2 Dropshipping Website Design

What is a dropshipping website design?

Dropshipping is a business model in which eCommerce entrepreneurs sell products without having to carry any inventory. When a store owner receives an order from a customer, they simply contact the supplier, who will then ship the products directly to the customer’s doorstep. Dropshipping businesses are often run entirely online, making them easy and affordable to start.

There are many advantages to starting a dropshipping business. First, it’s a low-cost way to start an online store. You don’t need to invest in inventory, which can be costly. Second, you have a lot of flexibility when it comes to product selection. You can add or remove products from your store quickly and easily, based on customer demand and your own changing interests. And third, you can run your business from anywhere in the world. All you need is an internet connection and a computer.

What are some of the essential features of a dropshipping website design?
  • Dropshipping module
    A dropshipping module is an important feature that every dropshipping business should use to pull out bulk products from the eCommerce portals such as Aliexpress. Dropshipping modules automate many of the tasks associated with running a dropshipping business, including product sourcing, order fulfillment, and customer service. By using a dropshipping module, businesses can focus on marketing and sales, while the module handles the rest.
  • Live chat
    Adding a live chat feature to your dropshipping website can be extremely beneficial in a number of ways.
    First and foremost, it provides your visitors with a quick and easy way to get in touch with you if they have any questions or need assistance. This can help reduce customer support inquiries and ultimately improve customer satisfaction.
    Additionally, having a live chat feature can make your website feel more personal and approachable, which can encourage visitors to stick around longer and explore more of what you have to offer. Ultimately, adding a live chat feature to your website can help increase sales and conversion rates by making it easier for visitors to get the information and assistance they need.
  • Easy products management
    A dropshipping website should have an easy-to-manage products management system to let the webmaster manage the products easily. This system should include features such as adding and removing products, editing product information and managing inventory. Having such a system in place will help the webmaster keep track of the products offered on their website, and make it easy to make changes as needed.
  • Social proof
    Showcasing social proof on your dropshipping website can encourage potential buyers to purchase your products with confidence. By displaying customer reviews, testimonials, and ratings, you can show visitors that your products are popular and trustworthy.
    If you have a high number of satisfied customers, potential buyers will be more likely to take the plunge and make a purchase. So make sure to showcase your social proof prominently on your website!
  • Comparison
    It would be a great idea to add a product comparison feature to your dropshipping website that will allow your potential customers to compare and make the right buying decision. By adding this feature, you can help your customers feel more confident in their purchase by providing them with all of the information they need to make an informed decision. Not only will this help to improve customer satisfaction, but it will also help to increase sales and conversion rates on your site.

    If you are building a dropshipping store, ask your website builder in India to add a comparison feature that will help you to grow your sales & customers.
  • Wishlist
    A wishlist feature can help your dropshipping website grow sales in a few different ways. First, it allows customers to save items they’re interested in for later purchases. This is especially helpful for customers who may not be ready to buy an item right away but don’t want to forget about it. Secondly, a wishlist can be used as a marketing tool to create urgency and encourage customers to buy items before they run out of stock. Finally, you can use wishlist data to better understand what products are most popular with your customers and make sure you always have those items in stock.
    Therefore, you must make sure that your Indian web developer has integrated the wishlist feature with your dropshipping store.
  • Discount on first order
    A discount on the first order can help your dropshipping website in a few ways.
    First, it can help you to acquire new customers. By offering a discount on their first purchase, you are incentivizing them to try out your store and products. This can help you to expand your customer base and bring in new, potential long-term customers. Additionally, a discount on the first order can help to increase the average order value of your customers. If a customer knows they will receive a discount on their first order, they may be more likely to add additional items to their cart and purchase more expensive items from your store. This can help to increase your overall revenue and profits.
    Finally, a discount on the first order can also help to build brand loyalty and repeat customers. If a customer has a positive experience with your store and products and receives a discount on their first order, they are more likely to come back and make future purchases.
  • Abandoned orders recovery
    If you’re running a dropshipping eCommerce store, you know that one of the most frustrating things can be abandoned orders. It’s especially difficult if the customer has already gone through the hassle of inputting their shipping information, only to leave the site before completing their purchase.
    That’s where the abandoned orders recovery feature comes in. This allows you to reach out to customers who have started but not completed their purchase, and give them a reminder or incentive to finish. This can help increase your conversion rate and boost your bottom line. To take advantage of this feature, your website builder simply needs to install a plugin or add-on that offers it. Then, when customers abandon their orders, you’ll receive an email notification so you can follow up. You can also set up automatic reminders so customers are more likely to come back and complete their purchases.
    Abandoned order recovery is indeed a helpful tool for any dropshipping eCommerce store owner.
  • Newsletter
    A newsletter feature can help your dropshipping store to grow by providing a way for you to keep in touch with your customers on a regular basis. By sending out a newsletter, you can let your customers know about new products, special offers, and other news related to your store. This will keep them coming back to your site, and it may even encourage them to tell their friends about your store.
Cost to build a dropshipping website in India

The cost to create a dropshipping website design in India may start at \$1000 and can go up to \$5000 or more based on the complexity of the project scope.

Recommended post: What’s a dropshipping website & what are the basic features of a dropshipping website design?

multivendor website design

#3 Multi-vendor eCommerce Marketplace Design

A multivendor marketplace is an online platform that enables multiple sellers to sell their products or services to a common group of customers. Customers can browse and purchase products from multiple vendors in one place, and vendors can reach a larger audience of potential customers. Multivendor marketplaces can provide a more convenient and efficient shopping experience for customers, and offer greater exposure and opportunities for vendors.

Here are some of the essential features that a multivendor eCommerce store should have:
  • Vendor signup
    The vendor’s signup feature is one of the most important aspects of a marketplace eCommerce store. This is because, without vendors, there would be no products or services to sell on the site. Vendors provide the products and services that customers want to purchase, so it is important to have a good signup process for them.
  • Vendors’ store
    The vendor’s store is an important section of a marketplace website where the customers can view the information about a vendor. In this section, customers can learn about the vendor’s products, services, and policies. This section is also where customers can contact the vendor if they have any questions or concerns.
  • Vendors’ reviews & ratings
    On a marketplace website design, the customers should be able to view the ratings & reviews of each vendor. This is important because it allows customers to get an idea of the quality of products and services offered by each vendor. In addition, it also helps to build trust between vendors and customers.
  • Vendors’ dashboard
    The vendor’s dashboard on a marketplace website is a very important feature that enables vendors to view and perform various activities. This dashboard provides vendors with the ability to see their sales, track their inventory, manage their orders, and much more. Having this information readily available and easy to access is essential for running a successful business on a marketplace website.
  • Buyers’ account and dashboard
    The buyers’ dashboard is a very important feature of a marketplace website as it enables buyers to view their past activities. This helps them keep track of their purchases and ensure that they are happy with their choices. Additionally, the buyers’ dashboard provides an easy way for buyers to contact sellers if they have any questions or concerns.
  • Commission reports (for admin)
    In the admin section of a marketplace website, the admin should be able to view the amount payable to each vendor and the margin accrued for the business on each sale. This is important in order to keep track of how much money the business is making, as well as to ensure that each vendor is being paid fairly.
  • Sales & Orders reporting (for admin)
    As an administrator of a marketplace website, it is important to be able to view and download past orders and client information. This data can help you to better understand the needs of your customers and make informed decisions about how to improve your marketplace. Having this information readily available also makes it easy to track down any issues that may have arisen in the past and ensure that they are resolved.
  • Multiple currencies
    A multi-currency feature can help a marketplace eCommerce website in a number of ways. Allowing customers to transact in their local currency, it can make the purchasing process simpler and more straightforward. Additionally, it can help to build trust with international customers who may be hesitant to purchase from a site that only displays prices in a foreign currency. Finally, it can help to boost sales by making it easier for customers from all over the world to shop on the site.
  • Robust search
    A robust search feature can help a marketplace eCommerce website by providing users with the ability to quickly and easily find the products they are looking for. This can help to increase conversion rates and overall satisfaction with the site. Additionally, a well-designed search feature can help to reduce the number of customer service inquiries, as users will be able to find the answers to their questions more easily.
Cost to build a multivendor eCommerce store in India

The cost to create a multivendor eCommerce store in India may start at $4000 and can go up to $10000 or more based on the complexity of the project scope.

Recommended post: What’s a multivendor website and how much is the multivendor website development cost in India?

industrial website design

#4 Industrial Products Website Design

A website is essential for any business, but it’s especially important for businesses that sell industrial products. Why? Because potential customers need to be able to research your products online before they buy them. They need to know what your products are, what they do, and why they’re better than the competition. A website is a perfect platform to showcase all of this information.

Industrial product websites don’t need to be boring. There are several features that can make your industrial products website attractive.

Below are some of the basic features that your industrial products website should have:
  • Products brochure
    Product brochures are an essential part of any industrial products website. They provide potential customers with valuable information about the products you offer and can help to convince them to make a purchase.
  • Inquiry form
    Your Indian website developer should add an inquiry form with every product page to get more leads for your industrial business. This will ensure that potential customers can easily get in touch with you to ask questions or request a quote. By providing this level of customer service, you’ll be sure to stand out from the competition and generate more leads.
  • Contact form
    Other than an inquiry form, your industrial website should also have a basic contact form for potential buyers & vendors to get in touch with you. This will help interested people to contact you hassle-free.
  • Add to cart
    Your web developer can add an “add to cart” feature to your industrial products website so that interested buyers can add the products to their cart and send an inquiry to you about those products. This would allow potential customers to purchase your products directly from your website, which would streamline the buying process and make it more convenient for customers.
  • Live chat
    A live chat feature is a must-have for any industrial products website. By being able to chat with potential buyers instantly, you can resolve any queries or doubts they may have and make the sale. This makes your website user-friendly and intuitive and ultimately helps you close more sales.
  • CMS
    A user-friendly and easy-to-manage CMS like WordPress is very important for your industrial products website. This way, you can make the required changes to your website without hiring a website developer again and again. So, ask your Indian website builder to build your website using a CMS like WordPress.
Cost to create an industrial products website in India

A website design company in India may charge you as low as $700 to create a professional website for your industrial products business.

Recommended post: What are the basic features of an industrial products website?

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