
The worst thing you can do to your online business is to have a website that looks boring. 

It’s like walking into a restaurant and being greeted by a bored host at the door. It makes you feel uncomfortable and you immediately want to leave.

The same experience can happen to your audience too. If their experience is confusing & boring, then they’ll leave your site and never come back.

website design for small businesses

It is therefore very crucial to have a website design that’s not only professional but exciting as well.

In this blog post, we have shared 7 signs that show your website is boring for your users.

Let’s begin.

#1 Unfocused homepage

One of the most important things you can do as a marketer is to make sure your homepage is focused.

In most cases, your homepage is the first thing a visitor will see, and it’s the first thing they’ll use to decide whether or not they’ll stay on your site.

Only experienced website designers understand the importance of building a homepage that’s focused, professional, & attractive enough to give the users a reason to stay there.

Hire experienced website designers in India to create a nice-looking homepage.

Recommended post: 7 Ways in which your website designer can enhance your homepage

#2 Excessive texts

Text is one of the most important elements of your website. The more text you have on your website, the more complicated and boring your website will look.

You don’t want to overwhelm your audience with too many words, you want to keep it simple and let your work do the talking for you.

Your website designer must ensure to keep the text on your website clean and concise.

The easiest way to do this is to make your website as text-light as possible.

#3 No CTA

A call to action (CTA) is a button or a link on a page that prompts a visitor to take action. 

A CTA gives the visitor a reason to engage with the content on the page. If the page has a CTA, customers are likely to engage with your business.

Call to action buttons should be there on the website to make the website more interactive. 

The website should motivate the user to take some actions. It is essential to have call-to-action buttons in order to increase the conversion rate.

A professional website developer would always know how to use call-to-action elements on your website appropriately.

Hire a web design company in India to create a profitable website that uses CTAs appropriately.

#4 No contact details

Lack of contact information or form can make the website look boring and less appealing. 

This is especially true for websites that sell products. If the visitor can’t easily contact you, he or she may assume that you’re not open to feedback and suggestions.

Your users want to know more about what you do and what you have to offer before they buy or get in touch with you. 

It’s important to have contact information on your website because this can help you build relationships with your customers and can help you build your brand.

You can make this information more prominent by adding a phone number or email address at the top of your website, or by adding a form.

Recommended post: 7 Reasons to integrate a contact form with your business website

#5 Inconsistency in design

Inconsistency in design makes your website look boring and unprofessional. If you want to grow your audience, then it’s important to have a consistent brand that people can recognize.

Consistency in design is key to giving your brand a professional look. 

If the fonts, colors, and design elements have nothing in common, they will look unprofessional. Consistency in design is also key to giving your audience the ability to find what they’re looking for easily.

#6 Poor graphics & images

Poor graphics and images can ruin a website. 

This is even more important with mobile design. A good image can make a boring site more engaging. A bad image can make a good site look boring.

Remember, a website is a visual experience and the images and graphics you use on the site need to be high quality and appealing. 

If the images and graphics are dull and boring, it won’t help you attract people to your website and encourage them to make a purchase or get in touch with you.

#7 Slow loading webpages

Slow-loading websites make the website look boring and unprofessional. Studies have shown that 40% of web users will leave a website that takes too long to load. So, make sure your website is not only fast but also has a powerful hosting plan.

A slow website gives a bad user experience. Google also penalizes slow websites if they are too slow.

Never let that happen to you.

At Innomax, our website design team always build SEO-friendly website that load quickly on all the browsers and devices.

In fact, most website development companies in India also offer SEO services, so they understand the importance of creating a website that loads quickly for the users.

How can you check the loading speed of your website?

The best way to check how fast the website is to use Google PageSpeed Insights.

Recommended post: Why slow-loading websites are business killers and how can your web developer help to fix it


If your customers complain that your website looks boring, you must take immediate action and redesign your site.

Redesigning your website will not cost you a fortune. Especially, if you hire a website builder in India, you can get a professional website at an affordable cost.

Hire a website designer in India now to start building your dream website.

When you hire a professional website developer in India, you can save more than 40% on your overall website development cost.

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