
Do you need an affordable webshop? Hire Indian web developers who can help you not only to build your webshop but can also to make it profitable.

e-commerce website design India

In this blog post, you will learn about 7 ways in which a website developer in India can help you to build & grow your webshop/e-commerce website.

#1 Using WordPress

When the development of any website starts with solid fundamentals, it can really go far. Therefore, one of the best things that your web developer can do is choose the right platform to build your webshop.

WordPress is one of the best CMS/Platforms available to build any website, whether it’s a simple corporate website or a webshop.

Here’s why WordPress can be an ideal choice for you:

  • WordPress is free to use, so you can save money on your webshop development.
  • WordPress developers are easily available at affordable charges.
  • WordPress is loved by search engines.
  • WordPress is scalable to accommodate your advanced webshop needs.

Recommended post: 6 Reasons to choose WordPress for website development

#2 Installing SEO plugin

Integration of an SEO plugin like “Yoast SEO” can help your webshop achieve noticeable positions on search engines and get more traffic & more sales.

Here’s how Yoast SEO can optimize your webshop:

  • Focus on keywords, synonyms, and key phrases.
  • Focus on optimized content with required keyword density.
  • Generation of an XML sitemap.
  • Managing meta tags
  • Determining the SEO score of any webpage.

#3 Installing Google Analytics

Google Analytics provides you with the required tools to understand the behavior & needs of your webshop visitors. It can also provide you insights into how different marketing campaigns have been working for you.

Below are some of the major benefits that Google Analytics provides for your webshop.

  • Figures out the origin/location of your webshop visitors.
  • Displays the list of pages that your users have browsed on your webshop.
  • Ability to set goals on each conversion of your webshop so that you can calculate your ROI easily.
  • Figures out the source/medium from where the traffic is coming to your webshop.
  • Shows you the average time that a user spends on your webshop.
  • Provides insights about the device of your users from where they access your website.
  • & more…

#4 Integrating security plugin

Your web developer in India can also help you to install a security plugin on your webshop. 

A website’s security is of utmost importance, especially for webshops. Because on your webshop, you expect your potential customers to pay & submit their confidential information online.

Lack of security on your webshop can not only result in low sales but can also damage the reputation of your business too. 

Here are some of the things that your Indian webshop builder can do for your website’s security:

  • Customizing the admin URL, username, and password.
  • Restricting the access of important files of your WordPress webshop such as “wp-config” and “.htaccess”.
  • Updating all the outdated plugins and themes of your webshop.
  • Setting up a firewall on your server.

Recommended post: 11 Ways In Which A WordPress Designer In India Can Prevent Website Hacking

#5 Integrating API

At some point in time, you may need to integrate a 3rd party API with your webshop for which your Indian website builder can help you. These API integrations may be required to incorporate some of the below features with your webshop:

  • Integrating accounting software such as XERO.
  • POS integration to sync online sales with your retail sales.
  • Fetching the stock & products from other websites.

#6 Automating your webshop

These days, there are many ways to easily set up a webshop, even if you don’t own any stock. Yes, even without manufacturing or trading in physical goods, you can still set up a webshop and run it successfully. 

Below are a few examples of such business models that your Indian website developer can help you to build.

  • Dropshipping
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Web Scraping
  • Digital products selling

Your developer can help you to set up an automated webshop so that you don’t have to deal with inventory or products anymore. You just need to focus on the marketing of your website in order to grow your sales.

#7 Maintaining your webshop

You can’t just build your webshop, shut it and forget it. You do need the assistance of your Indian website builder to maintain your webshop regularly.

Below are some of the major advantages of maintaining your webshop regularly:

  • Showing updated content all the time.
  • Updating all the plugins and modules when required, in order to enhance the security of your webshop.
  • Make necessary changes and updates on your webshop.
  • Fixing the bugs and issues on your webshop.

Recommended post: How much is the website maintenance cost in India

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