
If you have been struggling to build a website within your limited budget, then hiring Indian web developers can be the right choice for you.

But why then, so many webmasters aren’t happy even when they hire affordable web developers from India?

Indian website builder charges in India

Spending your hard-earned money on your website development can be a wise investment, but only if you have selected a reliable & efficient team of Indian website builders. Otherwise, this investment can quickly turn out to be an expense for you. 

In this blog post, we have shared 4 tips for you to ensure that your web development cost should become your best investment, rather than an expense. 

Let’s get started, shall we?


#1 Hire reliable web partners

While it’s easy saying that you must hire only reliable Indian web developers, it could be really a tough job for anyone to find a reliable partner. It could be as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

But fortunately, there are a few things that you can check before you hire Indian web developers in order to ensure their reliability & efficiency. Below is a brief checklist for you:

  • The coding experience of your developer is vital to check. 
  • Portfolio/past works of your developer in order to check the quality of their work. 
  • Communication skills
  • Testimonials from their previous clients.
  • Coding technologies that they work on (like PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JS, AJAX etc. ).
  • Their warranty & support

If you check and ensure that your shortlisted web developer has passed through all of the above checkpoints, you can minimize the risk of losing your money to almost 0%.

Recommended post: 8 Things to check before hiring web programmers or coders in India

#2 Send out clear instructions

In our experience of more than 10 years in the web development industry, we have noticed many times that due to the poor instructions provided by the customers, their projects get delayed and sometimes even worst, they couldn’t be completed at all.

Don’t let this happen to you.

When you hire a web developer in India, do ensure that you supply them with each and every instruction related to your website development, in detail.

Here are some of the important instructions that you must provide to your web developer before getting started:

  • Your color and fonts preferences, if any.
  • The sitemap of your website (sections and pages).
  • Content for each section and page of your website.
  • All the required images must be supplied to your web developer.
  • Any reference website that you like, should be supplied to your developer in order to make sure that you both are on the same page.

Recommended post: 5 Effective ways to provide feedback to your Indian website developer

#3 Provide feedback effectively

Providing feedback is one of the crucial steps in any website’s development, especially when you outsource your project to an overseas company. 

Below are some of the best ways to provide effective feedback to your overseas developers:

  • Be clear & concise.
  • Provide references or examples, if possible. 
  • Provide screenshots, if you can.
  • Maintain a feedback log. 
  • Don’t check until your website developer has confirmed. 

Recommended post: 5 Ways to provide effective feedback to your website developers in India


#4 Take control of source codes

This is perhaps one of the major reasons why many webmasters lost their money when they hire any overseas web developer. They do not ask for the source codes and don’t take control of their websites. 

After the completion of your website development, don’t just get involved in doing your business. Rather, make sure that you receive all the required source codes from your web developer along with the administrator login credentials.

Why is taking control of your source codes so important?

If you need to make some changes to your website in the future and you are unable to get a hold of your web developer,  you may have to engage a new website builder who will need to source codes in order to make changes. And if you can’t supply the source codes to your new developer, he may have no other option except re-developing your website from scratch. 

Now you see, how your investment can turn out to be an expense, just with one small mistake?

Recommended post: 5 Important things to take handover of from your web developer after website completion

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