
Do you have a WordPress website that’s compromised or hacked? Or perhaps, you may be planning to build a new WordPress website and need some tips on how you can secure your website.

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Whichever the case, this blog post may help you.

WordPress, being one of the most popular CMS’s available on the planet today, has always been on the target of hackers too. 

In this blog post, we’ve shared 6 major reasons why WordPress websites are hacked and how can your Indian website builder fix them for you.

#1 Unreliable web hosting

Unreliable web hosting is perhaps one of the major causes of a compromised WordPress website. Although, there are thousands of options available to host a website, are all of them reliable? Well, the answer is ‘No’.

Your web hosting server can either make or break your website. 

Having experience in hosting dozens of websites, your Indian website developer can help you to choose a reliable yet affordable web hosting company.

Below are some of the essential qualities that your hosting company must have:

  • 24/7 Customer support
  • High-performance servers
  • One-click WordPress installation 
  • Security features enabled

#2 Lack of strong passwords

Having weak passwords is among the most common reasons for a compromised WordPress website. When you use weak passwords for admin, FTP, etc. it becomes easier for hackers to attempt and enter your website. 

Your web developer can help you to harden the passwords for important areas such as below:

  • WordPress admin account
  • Control panel (Cpanel) account
  • FTP accounts

#3 Outdated Plugins & Themes

Using an outdated plugin or theme can leave your website vulnerable. Therefore, it’s important for you to update the plugins & themes of your WordPress website. 

Why you must always update your plugins & themes?

Security flaws and bugs are likely to occur in any theme or plugin. When these bugs occur, the developer of these plugins or themes would fix them up quickly. So, these plugins have to be updated on all the WordPress websites that are using them. 

Your WordPress developer can help you to update all of the outdated plugins or themes to sure the smooth functioning of your website. 

Not only plugins & themes, but your web developer should also upgrade the WordPress version of your website. 


#4 Insecure access to WordPress admin

The first area of attack for any website hacker is the website’s admin section. Once a hacker is able to crack & enter the admin access, he can easily manipulate the codes. 

Therefore, protecting admin access is of utmost importance. 

There are a few ways in which your WordPress developer can protect the admin area of your website to make it almost impossible for hackers to enter. Some of them are below:

  • Customizing the login URL of your WordPress admin from “wp-admin” to something else like “login”.
  • Changing the username of your WordPress admin from “admin” to something else that’s hard to guess.
  • Changing the default prefix of the database.
  • Changing the location of the “wp-config” file.

#5 Unreliable plugins

A WordPress website runs on several plugins. Most of these plugins are available either free of cost or at a nominal price. But what about the reliability of these plugins? 

Did you know that using plugins & themes from unreliable sources can not only compromise the security of your website but can also steal the sensitive information of your website users?

A professional website builder will always make sure to download plugins from reliable sources such as WordPress repositories and plugin developers’ websites. 

#6 Wrong file permissions

Last but not the least, wrong file permissions can also result in a compromised WordPress website. 

What is file permission?

File permission is a set of rules used by your website server. These permissions help your website server control the access that should be given to the files on your site.

Ideally, your website developer must always ensure that all your WordPress files should have 644 values as file permission and all the folders should have 755 as their file permission.

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