
Are you looking for WordPress developers in India but not sure about the required skills that your developer must have?

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In this blog post, we’ve shared 7 essential skills that your WordPress developer must possess.

Let’s get started.


This is perhaps the most important skill that a WordPress developer must have. Since HTML & CSS are the basics of any website development process, they are the prerequisite skills to build a website.

Why HTML is important?

HTML is a programming language that’s used to describe the structure of information on a web page. In other words, HTML helps website designers to lay down the architecture of a website. If this structure is required to change in the future, the developer must know HTML in order to make the necessary modifications.

Why CSS is important?

CSS helps website designers to define the attributes of each element of A website. Whether it’s about colors, fonts, spacing, etc., CSS is used to define them.

#2 PHP Coding

PHP is also an essential skill that WordPress developers must have. All of the WordPress plugins and themes are developed using PHP, therefore in order to customize them, your developer must know PHP coding.

Since not all of the plugins can match your requirements, you do need your Indian WordPress developer to customize them according to your business needs. 

If you hire a developer who just knows how to install plugins and do a few configurations only, you may face a hard time. Because in that case, you will have to hire a website coder separately and pay him additional charges for the required updates.

Recommended post: 8 Things to check before you hire a website programmer or coder in India

#3 Cpanel management

It’s very surprising but true, that there are many developers who just set up WordPress websites but do not know how to manage the Cpanel (control panel) of a server to deploy & make the website live. For the website deployment, these developers would either rely on another developer or will ask you to deploy on your own.

Therefore, before you hire any Indian website builder, you must ensure to ask them if they know how to manage:

  • FTP (file manager)
  • MySQL/PHPMyAdmin (database)
  • Basic configuration on the server (like DNS etc.)

#4 Visualisation Skills

Not all web developers are blessed with great visualization skills. Any developer can help you to build a fully-functional website but when it comes to giving a professional & attractive look, great visualization skills are required.

You may ask how can a web developer have visualization skills when they are just responsible for the website coding only. Well, these days, most web development companies train their web developers to not only build great websites but also give them a presentable look through basic CSS skills and improve their visualization skills.

#5 SEO Skills

One of the most important goals to create any website is to get business out of it. SEO (search engine optimization) is considered one of the best yet affordable mediums to attract relevant traffic to the website and get more sales.

How can a WordPress developer in India contribute to your website’s SEO:

  • By utilizing permalinks in an SEO-friendly manner.
  • Configuring necessary header tags and meta tags on your website.
  • By ensuring that the website is responsive and fast-loading as well.
  • By installing necessary SEO plugins such as Yoast SEO.
  • By creating an XML sitemap
  • By configuring your website with Google Webmasters

Recommended post: 6 Things A WordPress Developer Can Do For Your Website’s SEO

#6 Security skills

WordPress, being one of the popular CMS available on the planet today, is also on the top list of hackers. The hackers are well aware of the norms of any WordPress website and therefore, it becomes easier for them to make successful hacking attempts.

A skilled & experienced WordPress developer knows how to protect a website from all the possible security threats. Before hiring a WordPress developer in India, you must check with them how will they plan to secure your website.

Below are some of the effective ways in which a WordPress developer can protect your website:

  • Installing security plugins such as “All in one WP security” or “Wordfence”.
  • Changing the conventional pattern of your WordPress website. For example, changing the URL /wp-admin/ to something else or changing the default username “admin” to something else is hard to guess for the hackers.
  • Choosing plugins carefully to build your WordPress website.
  • Using stronger passwords for WordPress admin and server credentials.
  • Disabling the access permissions of important files on your server.

Recommended post: 11 Ways In Which A WordPress Designer In India Can Prevent Website Hacking

#7 Troubleshooting

Website development is not a one-time thing. You can’t set it up, shut it and forget it. Every now and then you may face some bugs or issues on your website down the road. Therefore, you do need a web developer who can work with you in long run and assist you in necessary troubleshooting.

Before you award your website project to any Indian WordPress developer, do make sure that they don’t just build websites, but are also able to fix the WordPress errors as well.

Recommended post: 4 Types of website issues that Indian website developers can fix for you

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