
If you are looking for affordable website development services in India, this blog post may help you.

why Indian website developers to create an e-commerce website

In this blog post, you will learn about 7 types of websites that Indian website builders can help you to create. 

Let’s get started. 

#1 Personal websites

What’s a personal website?

As the name suggests, a personal website is created to post and share thoughts, or sometimes to sell or promote personal services.

This kind of website usually has 2-3 web pages with the sitemap like the below:

  • Homepage
  • Services/Bio
  • Contact us

This kind of website doesn’t cost too much as its architecture or structure is quite simple. But you can still save your website development cost if you hire a website designer in India. 

#2 Blog

The blog is no more a new term among internet users. We all know what a blog is and why it’s created.

In case you don’t know, here is a brief explanation.

A blog is a collection of informative articles, also known as blog posts, that are created and managed by either individuals or companies.

The core objective to create and manage a blog is to share useful information with the targeted audience.

But a blog can do a lot more than that.

Your blog can help you to:

  • Establish yourself as an industry expert by sharing your thoughts that can help people to improve their businesses or lifestyle.
  • Get an abundance of targeted traffic to attract leads or sales.
  • Sell your products & services.
  • Improve the SEO score of your website.
Recommended post: 8 Major reasons to have a blog on your eCommerce website

#3 Business websites

If you have a business, you need a website. A website can help you not only create an online presence for your business but can help you to grow your revenue as well. 

Especially if you are a small business owner, a website can help you in many ways such as below:

  • Expand your reach globally
  • Make your services available 24/7
  • Sell your products & services
  • Build your brand name
  • Collect & leverage data for better insights
  • Build business credibility 
  • Provide customer support
  • & more
Recommended post: 14 Reasons for you to build a website for your small business

#4 E-Commerce websites

Well, who doesn’t know about e-commerce websites?

A website that sells products or services online is known as an e-commerce website.

If you are a seller too, then you must create an e-commerce store to publish your products or services and sell them online. 

Why you should build an e-commerce website for your business?

There are many reasons for you to create an e-commerce store. Some of them are mentioned below:

Recommended post: 5 Reasons for you to create an e-commerce website this year

Many small business owners have a common myth that developing an e-commerce website can cost a lot. But the fact is that you can get an e-commerce site for as low as $1000 by hiring a website developer in India

#5 Social media websites

The objective of creating a social media website is to allow users to share their thoughts and meet like-minded people.

Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn are great examples of social media websites.

Here are some of the major features of a social media website:

  • Signup/Login
  • Create/Edit profile
  • Upload texts, images, videos, etc. 
  • Like other users’ content.
  • Write comments on other users’ posts.
  • Invite other users to like your page.
  • Share your content and other users’ stuff with your friends and associates.

Creating a social media website can cost you a lot if you choose to hire a local developer.

Not only website development, but you also need a web development team to maintain and upgrade/update your social media website.

But you can save your maintenance & website development cost if you hire a website builder in India to develop & manage your social media website. 

#6 Membership websites

If you have some useful content or material that you want to upload on a website and charge users to access them, a membership website is for you.

News websites & image stock websites are 2 examples of membership websites. 

You need to subscribe to some of the news websites in order to access their information. And there are many image stock websites like shutterstock.com that charge their users for each image download or an unlimited number of downloads based on a subscription package.

Similar to social media websites, a membership website development can also make a hole in your pocket. 

But you don’t need to worry. 

You can hire a web design company in India that can help you to create a membership website at an affordable cost. 

#7 Landing page

A landing page is a one-page website that’s created for your marketing campaigns to encourage your users to take specific actions such as form submission, purchasing a product, etc. 

You may need a landing page to showcase your product or service offering. You may also create a landing page to educate your users about any concept and encourage them to download your mobile application or ebook. 

Again, an Indian website builder can help you to create a landing page at an affordable cost. 

Recommended post: 9 Tips for your website designer to improve your landing page

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